terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2021

There come the catfolk!!

 Oh yes!!! Your Tabaxi, Palico, Kahjiit, catfolk unique mod!!! <3
Let´s get started! 

Open your Kemono avatar box. You will only need its body and in future the kemono hud for outfit and poses.

Open your kemono body, take off head, hair, ears and tail, and huds.

Wear the Kemono Sphynx _Black _mod  and touch it. 

Wear the "Kemono Sphynx _Black _mod" and touch it. That´s the applier. Choose all sides.

Now it is time to work the Happy Paw Sphynx head.

( ¬¬ Yes, i forgot to take off the kemono huds...) Wear the" applier" and touch it.

Touch the applier, a dialog box will appear, you can ask to load everything.

ask to Apply all and voilá!  a lovely black fur

gums , teeth, cheek fur and head fur worked. You can now detach the "applier"

So far so good, right? Now here comes the fun and a more advanced skill job.  Don´t be afraid. 
Please pay attention to the pictures. :) 

Normals and speculars:

They give extra 3d feeling to you your objects ( body/tail and head). They are only visible with graphics above high, so, if you don´t usually set Second Life viewer to above high graphics, there´re no need to  apply these maps, of course unless you want others to see your avatar fully detailed

detach head, cheek fur and body.  It´s time to work speculars and normals.

tail texture map, edit and add HP tail difuse map ( texture).

edit the tail, go to texture tab and check bumpiness (normal) area...  click the X square to load the normal texture and the textures folder from your inventory will open, please choose HP tail _ normal and  press ok. 

So far so good? Awesome! You´re a step closer to consider yourself an experienced modder!!!  <3 
Now you have to select faces from the same object! Please pay attention to the pictures:

It´s specular time: edit the object , go to texture tab and check shininess(specular) and click the X square to open your inventory texture folder. Choose HP tail_specular and press ok. 

edit the head and press edit linked parts. Now select just right and left faces. you can press shift to select more than once face at a time. **Make sure only the head faces and cheek fur are selected. 
Go to texture tab and check bumpiness( normal) area and click the X square to open your inventory texture folder. Choose HP sphynx head texture_ normal and press ok to apply.

edit the head and press edit linked parts. Now select just right and left faces. you can press shift to select more than once face at a time. **Make sure only the head faces and cheek fur are selected. 
Go to texture tab and check shininess(specular) area and click the X square to open your inventory texture folder. Choose HP sphynx head texture_ specular and press ok to apply.

on above high graphics: Did you get this effect? You did it right! <3

On graphics above high: check the head. Does it have extra texture and a slight shiny effect? These are normals and speculars working. Congratulations :D

Kemono body: Sably none of the appliers accept normals and specular maps.. We have to apply them manually. If you have come this far, congratulations.. You have managed to work the most difficult. 

Edit the body, for to texture tab and check bumpiness( normal), press the X gray square to open your inventory textures folder. Choose kemono body normal and ok.

Edit body again, texture tab and check shininess( specular) to select the X gray square and open your inventory´s texture folder. Choose Kemono body specular and press ok to apply. 

pick head,tail and body and wear them.  You might want to clean your folder to avoid duplicated body, tail and heads. Make sure you´re removing the right ones. 

And you´re ready to explore SL and rpg sims with your unique Tabaxi / Khajiit/ Palico or just catfolk.
This mod will probably work on kemono chest add ons, but I´m not sure if they´re all mod so have normal and specular will be applicable. 

The shape I have added to the mod follow a more feline body proportions - long stretched torso, short arms and legs.  because I originally created this mod to tak part on medieval fantasy rpg sims, and I was asked to have the avatar more realistic.

Ah! and remember to add the whiskers!

The regular shapes also work just fine

Thank you again and Enjoy your mod. If  you´re still having a hard time  to mod, please contact me inworld. I´ll be glad to help.   Happy Modding!

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2020

Here comes the Minotaur!

 This tutorial is a Work in Progress.. please be patient... check other jomo avatars tutorial for support or contact Tiamat Bingyi.  :) 

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2020

ICE AGE Centaurs!!

Hello free fantasy beings! This is my first tutorial for Jinx Centaurs - My mods work for all 4 Jinx Centaur sizes!

For applier instructions there isn´t much to be said but wearing it and pressing the button ( which is the texture picture in the center). But i have added a normal and specular appliers in order to enhance the fur texture from the centaur part.
My tutorials focus on resident who are brand new to the editing parts/avatars world. I really hope it´s easy enough to anyone to have a good experience while modding.

You can click to enlarge the pictures and have a better idea of the instructions given.

!!!!  Normal and specular maps are only visible above high SL graphics! So, in case you dont run SL with this kind of graphic setting you wont be able to see them. They´re optional. The Applier is enough to get the mod i have made for you.!!!!


****no transfer textures and maps do not work properly if you have the parts worn. All my textures are just copy and mod.****
1- drop your centaur parts on ground.

Note in the editing window /TEXTURE tab, the 3 kind of texture options
1 - Select the parts ( body + tail - you can use shift to select both at the same time)  and go to Texture tab. There you find the 3 texture areas, Diffuse ( texture) - for the colors and patters we want our 3d objects to have .
Bumpiness ( normal)  for extra 3d feeling. This option you can only see with your SL graphics above high quality.
Shininess ( specular)  for shininess. This option is used to give our objects the ability to reflect light... if it´s too shiny it´s going to look like plastic or metal, if it is too opaque it looks dull and artificial.

2- select bumpiness ( normal ) area... there´s a box with an "X" - click there to open your inventory and look for "wild centaur normal" texture.

These are 3 ones: Diffuse ( the color texture we see on skins and parts), 2 bumpiness (Normals) - to enhance the textures and 3 shininess ( speculars)

Jinx centaur has amazing textures , but if you take a close look it doesnt use normal maps nor specular ones.

2- select bumpiness and click the "X" gray box to access your inventory. Pick Wild centaurs normal texture - note how bumpy the body gets ( you must have your SL graphis above high resolution)

normals and spec maps might work with other mods and textures, but once the color texture doesn´t have the same fur pattern usually the results are sooo good. 
3- Now click on shininess ( specular) area and again on the "X" gray market box  to access your inventory and there pick wild centaur specular texture to apply on body and tail.
press shift to edit body and tail and again in the texture tab, click shininess( specular) area 

and on the "X" gray marked box to find your inventory: pick wild centaur specular texture ( map)

once done take body and tail back and wear them
4- Once applied both maps you can take them back to your inventory and wear them.

wear your centaur.. now it´s  applier time <3 
5- Finally wear the Applier and press the button( the picture) in the center to let the scripts perform their magic! - remember, the applier only work on script allowed areas.

wear the Applier and press the button ( the picture in the center)- the scripts are going to make their magic!

once done you´ll receive a message letting you know the applier script has worked and your centaur get its new color!


remember: normal and specular maps are only visible above high graphics. 

Hope you enjoy your centaur and the mod!!
And this is it. Again, normal and specular maps are optional. They´re nice to enhance fur 3d feeling and details, but only if you run SL on above high graphics. Thank you and Happy Mod!

domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2019

Oh My Griffin !


I hope this  tutorial can make your modding experience much easier. It works for any skin mod you might want use on your Jomo griffin avatar - including male or female ones. 
This tutorial was built to make your Creator et Creatura and [GWI] fit to Jomo Griffin avatars. For other modders it might help as a guide but i can´t guarantee.

Firstly, the creator has added an extra folder to the avatars content box, the *Basis Texture ( name of your jomo griffin model). It provides all textures used on the avatar, plus if you want to start making your own  skins, you can use the basis and download the developers kit found it the inworlds mainstore.

But why that? 

 For those already used to mod jomo avatars you can just skip this paragraph. For the beginners in the customization universe the creator has provided a model showing all faces the body has. Different colors, different faces.  - Please note the neck, arms and waist tips, they all have a different color ring around them.  This was made to avoid texture clipping when your avatar moves. *( texture clipping = blinking effect you can note when 2 parts with different textures are together). Confusing? Check the screen shots, it might help you better.

texture and faces dummy: each color is a different texture. 

Lets get started!!

For a perfect modding job, mind the extra faces.
Remember the editing tools  "edit linked parts and selected faces. These are going to be often used in this tutorial. Tou can always enlarge the pictures for details.

checked? let´s start!

select liked parts and add HEAD texture.
Oh! my griffin gem darkened! No fear. Select Linked parts and select face, add blank texture to it. - see? shiny again!

blank texture.

OR... when selected linked parts, press selected face ans shift to deselect just gem face and voilá! Head Texture applied without darkening the gem.

select linked parts + shift allows you to select and apply textures in several pieces.

nipples are also TORSO texture.

FEATHER texture for neck piece.

LIMBS go for legs, arms, hands and waist.

so far so good? Awesome! now face details texturing job.

select linked parts, selected face to neck tip ring and add TORSO texture.

There are two rings in the female body ( and just one ring to make) - select linked parts and selected faces to add TORSO texture. 

It is right when you see a uniform skin going grom waist to belly

sometimes the textures are the same color, but the feather detail is different. I recomment  to spend a lil time swithing arm ring faces to TORSO texture for a non clipping effect. 

It is right when you have smothy effect coming from arms and going to torso. Repeat proceduce with the head piece, selecting the neck ring and adding TORSO texture. 
Wings, Tail and Penis get only one texture. For Tail, if you want the glowing gems effects remember to deselct their faces when adding the texture.


That´s a new trick. For vulture mod i had to add new maps. NORMAL and SPECULAR ones.

What are they?

Normal maps are special textures added to bumpiness ( Normals) area to give a 3d texture effect. That gives the feeling of "whoa!! this is very leather like" or " it´s almost like real bricks". Jomo uses a lot of normal maps for its unique "feather" textures, or scales and fur - from other jomo avatars.
Specular maps are also special texture added to shininess area to give the shiny effect of things.

for the skinned, almost bald effect of the king vulture mod i added 2 maps. The  texturing job requires a bit more of knowledge... hope the tutorial helps you make it through without major stress.

Firstly, add the HEAD texture to Diffuse area.
If you have graphics on high and above, you´re going to notive a "feather" effect over the skin area. It´s up to you leaving like this of changing maps for a  wrinkled skin 3d effect.

ok! You´ve decided to check how hard is the job ? First check bumpiness to start working with normal maps. Select Linked parts and select the whole head. After select "selected faces" and using shift - deselect neck ring. This is very IMPORTANT.

ok! You´ve decided to check how hard is the job ? First check bumpiness to start working with normal maps. Select Linked parts and select the whole head. After select "selected faces" and using shift - deselect neck ring.  

You know you´re working normal maps when you see the red  guide mark over your avatar texture, and in the editing window a bluish squase  for texture image.

press the bluish texture square to go to textures inventory - select NORMAL head texture to use.

add the Normal head texture ( it´s also bluish). 
After closing edit window you´re going to note a different head texture. It´s time to add specular map. Edit the body again,  and check shininess area in the middle of edit window. Select linked parts and selected face. Press shift to deselct neck ring again and start specular job .
After closing edit window you´re going to note a different head texture. It´s time to add specular map. Edit the body again,  and check shininess area in the middle of edit window. Select linked parts and selected face. Press shift to deselct neck ring again and start specular job .

you know the neck ring is deselected becase its texture seems darken than the selected area.

click the silver texture box and choose SPECULAR head from your modding folder and use.  This is going to make you not see feather shininess on skin area when moving your avatar under light. Again These maps only work if you´re using high or above graphics settings from your SL preferences.

and you´re ready to go! congratulations.. this is not an easy job. 
 And if you feel you need help, please do not hesitate to contact me. Drop me a notecard or poke me when im inworld.

Happy modding!!!

Tiamat Bingyi