quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2017

Enter the Elephants!

Ready to start your very own elephant mod?
I: Required parts: 

  •  Ravenoid Chubby body ( either sizes), any gender
  • Ravenoid: elephant parts
  • Chinchilla avatar  ( head and muzzle)  or Viss Bunny ( head and muzzle). I have done textures for both kind of avatars
  • Little Poney Free avatar from Aventity

mmmmm Boxes, lots of boxes <3

Drop the parts you´re going to work
This tutorial work for either avatars, and firstly for regular chubby body size:
Pay attention, there are  normal and espcular maps and lots of small pieces.

as previously show, start texturizing parts, remember to use linked parts when you have linked pieces to texturize and different textures for each.
body, Trunk and ears are quite easy, just edit and drop textures on each.
For head im showing first bunny Viss. Eyelids and eyelashes should be moved in order to make things easied to edit.
There´s an extra face on head object, where viss face expressions go. you might want leave it as well.. select skull part and add the texture. If you press ctrl+alt+T you´re going to see the extra face in the avatar´s face.
viss bunny head

press ctrl+alt+T to see invible parts

edit linked parts to move eyelids and eyelashes objects away from head. copy their initial position in order to place them righ back where they were, after texture job.

i usually use a notecard to not loose the values, after this edit the skull ( linked part) and add head texture.
Once you have the head and eyelid with elephant texture, press thebumpiness tab and start adding the normal textures. Those are going to make the parts look rough, as elephant skin. If you dont want to add them its all good. the regular textures have a wrinkled design.

IMPORTANT:  bumpiness and shininess are only visible with SL graphics on high or above (you can change in the preferences window)

after textures, go to bumpiness tab and start adding the normal maps to the pieces.
repeat the process to al parts.

Once you have all parts with their normal  maps, press the shininess tab and  add Specular maps to the parts. this also just work with Graphics on high or above.
Specular gives a shiny aspect to the textures and reinforce the wrinkles effect.

adding normal maps

adding the specular maps, the object gains a more wrinkled aspect

The speculpar maps on shininess tab also have sliders to determine how shiny you want your texture...
you´re free to try it. for my mod i added 80 and 15 for values and a dark green colors. just for fun. Remember to repeat the process to all parts, else the different shininess values might compromise the beauty of your avatar.


Basically the same thing. select  eyelashes objects and move away from head.
in order to help you with the job.

press ctrl+alt+T to see eyelashes better and move them away from head pieces.

select the cheeck fur , detach them from head. you wont need it. select both sidecheek pieces and press ctrl+shift+L

add the texture.. there are skull, left and right snoput sides and eyes object. do not forget to select them,
Repeat process for normal and specular maps too.

III: shape!

YEah!!!! the eyes!! always them! What should you do? wear chinchilla´s shape ( for chinchilla´s head) or Viss shape ( for Bunny Viss head), to avoid popping and bugged eyes. THIS PROCEDURE just works for regular size mod. for Big chubby mod you are going to have to link eyes to head piece, and resize them to fit on the big body.

PLEASE CHECK http://slmod.blogspot.com.br/2015/04/big-fish.html , the second part of the Blog post, for a tutorial for big bodies mod and linking eyes to heads.

wear the avatar´s shape , pwear eyes and texturized head

this example im using the chinchilla´s head. you can wear the trunk or drop the head again and link the trunk to head piece.. work either way.

a good thing about just adding the trunk over the head, is the possibility to move /place trunk upeturned or downturned.

wear the ravenoid body. Working shape values to adjust body is much easier than working head/eyes shape values to place eyes and head correctly fitting like the original avatar (chinchilla or viss ones)

add the poney legs.Whoa.. they dont fit. It is time to edit them and adjust to make them fit correctly on the avatar

without alphas you can edit and resize the leg pieces to make them fit properly

copy the dimensions values from one leg and paste on th other.. voilá! 2 identical legs.
 after this, wear tail and tusks. I have added extra texture for a circus outfit but since i relly S#@$ at creating 3object,  they´re in the notecard as an extra ( crappy) bonus. Use a clothing layer for tabard.
and here you go, a new circus star is born. :D 

fixing male jomo leopard neck:

Hello again Customers,

This tutorial is quite tricky and might require a bit more of attention from you.
The avatar creator has provided me the solution, yet its not so simple.

If you have this happening to your Jomo leopard avatar ( and i havent noticed it happening on female version, yet) , please take the following steps:
Drop the body on ground again. Remember editing linked part you´re going to find different parts atached. I tinted them in order to make them easier to find:
edit linked parts, upper body and head:

i have tinted head and neck - so far , so good, right?
use your camera and seek for an extra ring placed right between neck and head. Its a ring placed there to avoid body cracks.

this is why you hev the glitchy square. the body was turned invisible to help the explanation. You dont need to turn your body invisible .

using the cam you can reach this piece, its tinted for tutorial´s matters.

That piece has 2 faces, so edit linked parts and have "face" also selected, for the upper face add the head texture, and the lower face upper body texture:

select lower face and add upperbody texture

select upper face and add head texture, similar to the ring you can find on jomo´s werewolf

you have the piece with both faces with head and upper textures.

segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2017

Playing with normal and speculars

Greetings modders!
 I am slowly trying to offer you new features for my mods, sadly for jomo there´s no applier available so far
This tutorial works either for Jomo werewolf and leopard warrior... (and future mods using Normal and specular maps)


1. VERY IMPORTANT - these features are just noticed if you are using graphics on high and above, else you won´t be able to "see" them.

any graphic resolution - (without normal and speculars)
graphics on high and above - with spec and normals

ok,, once you have the computer set for the required Graphic settings. we can start:

press ctrl+P and graphic tab...
I recomend you to start from head then work other parts, In case you have Jomo Leopard warrior, this is even more important due all expression layers..

2 DROP Body on ground:

Select everything and pressing edit selected + Shift tab, deselect other parts lipe upper, legs, whiskers and eyebrow fur:
Process is similar as applying textures, but this time we´re checking Bumpiness button area.
normals are applied on bumpiness area... head, for head, upper for upper part, legs for legs and tail for tail

see? you select in the same way.. but here we have checked the texture area. 

deselecting whiskers anf face fur can be a tricky task....

remember to check Bumpiness area in order to apply normals:

headnormals for head

legnormals for legs and so on

tail you might want to uncheck edit linked parts since both tail parts get the same texture, same normal texture and same specular texture
Once you have whole body worked you can start the Specular maps...
use shininess tab to work specular textures.. same process.. edit everything, check edit linked parts  and select +shift to deselect areas ( upper , legs, whiskers, face fur)

same for... head spec for head part, upper spec, upper, tail spec for tail and leg spec for tail

that´s what you should see
in case you do not want  spots so visible, you can try applying normal maps on  shininess tab... the efect is similar but the spots are more discrete.

Hope you have a good time customizing your avatars, in case you need any help or support, please contact me inworld or drop me a notecard.

Happy modding!!!