segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2017

Playing with normal and speculars

Greetings modders!
 I am slowly trying to offer you new features for my mods, sadly for jomo there´s no applier available so far
This tutorial works either for Jomo werewolf and leopard warrior... (and future mods using Normal and specular maps)


1. VERY IMPORTANT - these features are just noticed if you are using graphics on high and above, else you won´t be able to "see" them.

any graphic resolution - (without normal and speculars)
graphics on high and above - with spec and normals

ok,, once you have the computer set for the required Graphic settings. we can start:

press ctrl+P and graphic tab...
I recomend you to start from head then work other parts, In case you have Jomo Leopard warrior, this is even more important due all expression layers..

2 DROP Body on ground:

Select everything and pressing edit selected + Shift tab, deselect other parts lipe upper, legs, whiskers and eyebrow fur:
Process is similar as applying textures, but this time we´re checking Bumpiness button area.
normals are applied on bumpiness area... head, for head, upper for upper part, legs for legs and tail for tail

see? you select in the same way.. but here we have checked the texture area. 

deselecting whiskers anf face fur can be a tricky task....

remember to check Bumpiness area in order to apply normals:

headnormals for head

legnormals for legs and so on

tail you might want to uncheck edit linked parts since both tail parts get the same texture, same normal texture and same specular texture
Once you have whole body worked you can start the Specular maps...
use shininess tab to work specular textures.. same process.. edit everything, check edit linked parts  and select +shift to deselect areas ( upper , legs, whiskers, face fur)

same for... head spec for head part, upper spec, upper, tail spec for tail and leg spec for tail

that´s what you should see
in case you do not want  spots so visible, you can try applying normal maps on  shininess tab... the efect is similar but the spots are more discrete.

Hope you have a good time customizing your avatars, in case you need any help or support, please contact me inworld or drop me a notecard.

Happy modding!!!